QWIZ is the nations largest supplier of computer-based office automation training and testing systems. We chose QWIZ because we wanted to set a standard that would serve you now and in the future.
QWIZ evaluation programs test on 30 of todays most popular software programs. Detailed test results define the proficiency level of each employee, pinpointing respective skill levels.
We can provide you with operators who are trained and tested on Windows Word Processing, for temporary assistance or permanent positions.
Applications included in QWIZ testing and training:
Lotus 1-2-3
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
... and more
QWIZ Benefits:
customized evaluations to match your needs
training and cross-training for computer-literate employees
testing and tutorials for Windows applications
Call CoreStaff, Inc. today to find out more about our QWIZ program customized to meet your needs.